Objections Committee

The Appeals Commission advises the governing body on filed appeals. After a notice of objection is filed, a hearing is usually held at which the parties are given the opportunity to further explain their objections.

These hearings are public so you can attend. If the hearing is not public for specific reasons, this will be indicated in the agenda. The hearings are normally held on Wednesday mornings in the town hall of Laarbeek or in the town hall of Gemert-Bakel. The location and time of the hearing are mentioned in the agenda.

Agenda committee meeting

Highlighted text: Wednesday morning, January 15, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. in the Laarbeek Town Hall.


Public / Not public

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.The decision dated September 25, 2024 to grant an environmental permit for the construction of a structure and use as a B&B at the location Bosrand 2a in Lieshout.Public

Sign up

You can register by calling the general phone number: 0492 378 500, or emailing commissiebezwaarschriften@gemert-bakel.nl.