Demolition, notification
If you want to demolish, submit a notification four weeks before demolition via the Omgevingsloket Online. Here you will also find a list of the accompanying documents you need to submit with your demolition notification. The notification is free of charge.
No permit, but rules
No permit does not mean no rules. You must also submit data on waste and asbestos with the demolition notification. The rules about asbestos have not changed: almost always a survey for the presence of asbestos is required. Sometimes special rules for safety, noise and vibration also apply.
The municipal building code is no longer applicable for demolition activities. This is now regulated directly in the Building Code .
Old regulation of private individuals for screwed asbestos-containing boards remains in place
The old regulation for private individuals, the self-removal of 35m² screwed asbestos-containing sheets, remains. Only the notification period changes. The work covered by this regulation must be reported at least 5 working days before commencement. Attention! This regulation applies in most cases to screwed corrugated asbestos-containing sheets. The removal of for example nailed asbestos-containing roof sheeting does not fall under this regulation. The exemption applies once per cadastral parcel and therefore NOT per year.
Do permit for protected premises/areas
Sometimes buildings or areas are protected in a special way. These include national and municipal monuments. Then a permit is still required for full or partial demolition. For the costs involved, please refer to the current fee regulations. If the permit requirement does still apply, the following applies. The law (Environmental Law (General Provisions) Act) stipulates that for irreversible situations (demolition/asbestos removal is activity that cannot be reversed) work may only be started after the publication deadline. In fact, this means that 6 weeks and 3 days after the date of permit issuance, work may be started. In the case of a notification, the publication period does not apply.
How does the treatment proceed?
After submitting the notification, you will receive a notice of receipt. The municipality will check if the notification is complete. Make sure you include all the documents, they cannot be sent later. If you receive no further response from the municipality, you can just start.