Handicapped parking pass

Gehighlighte text: There are a number of disabled parking spaces in our municipality. You may park here if you have a valid disabled parking permit. Please contact the municipality for conditions and costs.

Would you like to apply for a disabled parking permit? Get an application form at the desk in the town hall. It is not necessary to make an appointment.

When are you eligible for the disabled parking permit (gpk)?
  • You are driving the car yourself?

    • Then there are two questions to answer:
    1. Can you walk (with an aid) less than 100 meters?
    2. Are you always in a wheelchair?
      If you can answer yes to either question, then you are eligible for a gpk driver
  • You are not driving the car yourself?

    • Then there are three questions to answer:
    1. As a passenger, are you constantly dependent on the driver's assistance?
    2. Can you walk (with an aid) less than 100 meters?
    3. Are you always in a wheelchair?

If you can answer yes to question 1 and can also answer yes to questions 2 and/or 3, then you are eligible for a gpk passenger.

  • Combination of driver card and passenger card:

    • You may also qualify for a combination of a gpk driver and a gpk passenger.
How do you apply for the disabled parking permit? Follow the steps
  1. Contact the municipality to indicate that you would like to apply for the card.
  2. You receive the application form and return it completed. The municipality conducts research. In certain situations, a medical opinion must be requested. The municipality decides which doctor/agency will perform this examination. Even if you apply for a renewal of your disabled parking permit, a medical examination is occasionally required.
  3. After your application has been processed, you will receive a letter (decision) from your municipality. This decision states on what grounds you will or will not receive a disabled parking permit. It will also tell you whether you qualify for a card for a driver and/or passenger and how long the card is valid.
What does a handicapped parking permit cost?

For (applying for) a disabled parking permit, you must pay the following fees:

Bij toekenning en afwijzing:
Disabled parking pass first application€ 106,90
Disabled parking permit renewal with medical opinion€ 106,90
Disabled parking permit renewal without medical opinion€ 15,05

The cost of the medical examination is sometimes included in the fee and sometimes not. In the first contact, the counselor will inform you of the cost.

If you can provide a municipal income statement, no fee will be charged.
This income statement must be supplied with the application form.

How long is the disabled parking permit valid?

A disabled parking card is valid for up to 5 years. A card may be issued for a shorter period if the holder's health is expected to improve.

Guidelines for using a disabled parking permit
  • The parking ticket (driver or passenger) is in your name and may only be used when you are there.
  • The card is not by license plate number. You can use the card for any car.
  • Place the parking ticket clearly visible behind the windshield.
  • The parking ticket is valid until the expiration date shown on the card.
  • A disabled parking permit allows you to park in disabled parking spaces in the Netherlands and most European countries. However, you must follow the local parking rules of the municipality.