GRIP car

We are starting a pilot of the GRIP truck this fall. GRIP stands for GRondstoffenInleverPunt, which is a mobile environmental street where you can hand in small amounts of bulky household waste. In September and November of this year, the GRIP truck can be found in every village of our municipality. Do you have small amounts of household waste that you want to get rid of? By handing it in at the GRIP cart free of charge, you save a trip to the waste disposal site.

How much can you turn in?

You can turn in a maximum of one large full shopping bag (big shopper) per round. A visit to the GRIP is absolutely free. Will you be stopping by? Then bring your environmental card with you!

What may you turn in at the GRIP car?

  • Small quantities of wood, debris and metals
  • Clothing and textiles
  • Frying fat in a sealed container
  • Batteries, small batteries and lamps
  • Electrical appliances
  • Small amounts of Styrofoam
  • Hard plastics
  • Hollow glass and flat glass
  • Ink cartridges
  • KCA

Where is the GRIP truck?

The GRIP truck pilot has ended and is being evaluated. Therefore, no collection moments are scheduled at this time.

Don't forget your environmental pass

The drop-off point is free for residents of the municipality of Gemert-Bakel. All you have to do is show your environmental pass. If you do not have an environmental pass or have lost it, please contact BLINKexternal-link-icon or arrange it yourself viawww.mijnblink.nlexterne-link-icoon.

GRIP car as an information point

Blink is happy to help you separate waste. BLINK's waste coaches are on hand every day when the GRIP truck comes to your neighborhood to answer your questions.