Information letter for dog owners

Thank you so much for registering your dog!

This way, we as a municipality know how many dogs we have in our municipality and can therefore make the appropriate provisions for them. Every year you as a dog owner will receive an assessment for the dog tax. If you as a dog owner do not pay tax, you may be fined. Village guards may ask you for your information. They then check whether your dog is registered with the municipality.

Together we keep our municipality clean!

You can probably imagine that stepping in dog poop is not pleasant. For the residents of our municipality, dog poop is one of the biggest annoyances. We realize that a large group of dog owners follow the rules nicely and do not cause a nuisance. We have listed the rules for you below, so that you know what is and is not allowed. The municipality ensures that the facilities for walking your dog are kept up to standard. For example, the walking strips are cleaned weekly in the summer and bi-weekly in the winter. We also make sure that the lighting at the walking strips works and that there are litter bins.

Rules for walking your dog

  1. Leashing your dog: Within built-up areas, you are required to leash your dog.
  2. Outlet Lanes There are specially designated outlet lanes and squares where your dog is allowed to defecate. These areas are marked with the signs dog walkers. You do not have to clean up your dog's poop. However, a leash is required.
  3. Duty to clean up Outside the walking lanes there is a duty to clean up. This means that you are obliged to clean up your dog's poop. Clean-up supplies, such as a plastic bag, are available at pet stores and some supermarkets. You can then dispose of the clean-up agent wrapped in a trash can. Please note that supervisors and village guards may ask you for a cleanup container. If you do not have a clean-up tool with you, you may be fined.
  4. Prohibited for Dogs You may not walk your dog in or near a children's playground, play area, sandbox, public pond, park or other places designated by the city council.

Walking your dog in the countryside

The countryside, with its green fields, forests and vast landscapes, invites you to take a nice walk. However, dog feces contains a parasite, which is a major cause of abortion among cows. Therefore, we ask you to leash your dog and clean up the droppings in the outlying area near meadows as well. You must also keep your dog on a leash in natural areas within our municipality. This is indicated by a sign. A dog wandering around can cause a lot of distress and disturbance among animals, such as young birds and mammals.

Do you have any questions?

If so, please contact the municipality of Gemert-Bakel by calling 0492 - 378 500.