Report suspicious situation
Report suspicious situation
Through this hotline, report a suspicious situation directly to the municipality. (anonymously).
Important text: For situations requiring immediate action, always contact the police by phone at 112 (in case of emergency). In fact, filling out this report form does not result in immediate action.
Suspicious situation in your neighborhood? Report a suspicious situation!
We would much rather talk about all the wonderful things in our municipality, but we cannot look away from criminal activity. Increasingly, we see facilities in the upper world being used to facilitate illegal activities in the underworld. When a company is visible in the upper world and enables practices in the underworld, we call this undermining. On the website "Stop undermining together " read, hear and see stories about undermining. Stories of real people. Read, listen and watch the stories and know what you can do to stop undermining.
Do you see things that are not okay or recognize signs? Report the signal to:
- municipality: via this report point link icon report a suspicious situation directly to the municipality. (anonymously).
- police: approach the neighborhood police officer or call 0900-8844 (not anonymous) or 112 in case of an acute emergency.
- Report Crime Anonymousxternal icon or call 0800-7000 (anonymously).
Prefer not to report online? Then use the paper report card distributed door-to-door during the "Together for a Safe Neighborhood" campaign week of April 15, 2024. You can also pick up the card at City Hall.
Are you experiencing nuisance from a drone? You can report this to the police. Check the website of the central government external link to find out how to do this.
How subversion affects you
Undermining often has to do with drug trafficking and production. You may think you yourself are not affected by undermining crime. Because it takes place in the dark on remote industrial sites or in the countryside. Yet this is not so; everyone is affected by undermining.
Consider, for example, the dumping of chemical drug waste in nature and what it costs us to clean it up, misuse of public funds (such as health care fraud), unsafe streets and neighborhoods due to drug trafficking, fire-prone hemp nurseries and XTC labs in residential homes, extortion of public officials, liquidations in broad daylight in residential neighborhoods, mistaken murders, and innocent bystanders being hit by bullets.
What can you do?
Undermining and drug crime are not always immediately visible. Yet there are signals that are visible to everyone. These signals can be very valuable to the municipality, police, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the Tax Administration. Combining different signals often creates a clearer picture. This is how we stop undermining together!
What is subversion?
You probably see them on the streets. Stores or cafes where no customer ever comes but which continue to exist and whose owner drives around in a car that is far too expensive. Chances are that the store or café is being used to launder drug money.
But there are many other examples of how the upper world (un)consciously helps the underworld. Think of the notary who does not report when someone finances the purchase of a home in cash, a rental agency that does not have its records in order allowing criminals to rent a home, car companies that build in hidden spaces to transport drugs, money and weapons, and farmers who rent out barns to criminals for their drug production.
This intertwining of underworld and upper world affects our rule of law and creates so many problems. This is why we call this intermingling undermining.
Want to learn more about recognizing signs of undermining? Then download the app 'Undermining' now.
Gehighlighte text: This is how we stop undermining together.