Street Lighting

The municipality is responsible for the construction, maintenance and management of street lighting. Complaints about defective lighting and damaged lampposts can be filed with the municipality.

Instruction text: To report defective/broken street lights, please fill out the digital report form.

Report malfunction

Important text: Tip: include the number of the lamppost (yellow sticker). Once you have made your report, it will be passed on to the maintenance contractor. On average, malfunctions are resolved within 2-4 weeks.

If there is a large-scale street lighting failure, affecting an entire neighborhood, for example, please contact the municipality by phone at 0492-378 500, outside office hours at 06 51502014.

Times lighting

Lighting times are centrally controlled by the grid operator. The different districts are switched on and off at small intervals to avoid overloading the network. In summer/winter the switching times are adjusted.