Living Lab VAB Elsendorp
To look at new uses for vacant agricultural buildings, Elsendorp is serving as one of five living labs in the province of North Brabant. Together with the village, we are looking at suitable new uses for the sites and solutions for the empty stables. The focus is not only on buildings, but on an area-oriented approach that also includes possibilities for land exchange.
For the whole village
The area-based approach is broader than the agricultural sector and touches the entire village. Not only farmers, also other residents and stakeholders are involved in the living lab. How do we (the village, municipality and province) keep Elsendorp livable and (economically) attractive? Can we together provide a place where everyone's children will be able to live, work and recreate? With Elsendorp as a testing ground new opportunities can arise.
Elsendorp has its own village . Here you can find everything about the latest in the living lab.
May 2023: Elsendorp experimental garden developments: zoning plan and environmental impact report available for inspection
Proeftuin Elsendorp has been designated as a model project for the new Environment Act. This ensures that we work here in a different way than in the rest of our municipality. Together with the participants and stakeholders, we have worked in recent years on the question: 'how do we keep Elsendorp livable and economically attractive?' Meanwhile there is an area vision and added value plan and we are ready for the next step in this process: the submission for inspection of the zoning plan with broadened scope 'Proeftuin Elsendorp' adopted by the municipal council, with the accompanying environmental impact report.
Vision Proeftuin Elsendorp and added value plan
The "Vision Proeftuin Elsendorp" was drafted by residents of Elsendorp themselves. It looks much more at a development for a larger area. That vision will soon be part of the structural vision. It describes what the inhabitants of Elsendorp wish for the outlying area. Hereby inhabitants, (agricultural) entrepreneurs, the municipality, the province and the water board work closely together. With this cooperation the parties want to strengthen the quality of life in the countryside, counteract pauperization by vacancy and make room in the right places for small-scale and sustainable activity, living and recreation. The adopted vision and added value plan are available for inspection at the same time as the adopted zoning plan "Proeftuin Elsendorp". It is not possible to appeal against the vision and added value plan.
Zoning plan with broadened scope Proeftuin Elsendorp and plan EIA
The plan concerns the outlying area of Elsendorp. For this planning area, because of the special area process and special content, not just any zoning plan has been drawn up, but a so-called "zoning plan with broadened scope.
Whereas a zoning plan may normally only contain rules about spatial planning (these are rules for the use of the land and of the structures located therein), a "zoning plan with broadened scope" may contain more, namely rules relating to the physical living environment. These are rules that, in addition to the use of land and structures, may also deal with landscape, air, cultural heritage, safety and health. In addition, a plan EIA has also been prepared. This plan and the underlying studies focus on all development possibilities and provide insight into the possible environmental consequences. These two plans can be appealed, however.
Inspection period
The adopted zoning plan 'Proeftuin Elsendorp', the plan MER, and the Buitengebied image quality plan are available for public inspection for six weeks from May 10, 2023 through June 20, 2023. You can view the documents online via Ruimtelijke . If you are unable to view the plan online, you can make an appointment to view it at the town hall. You can read the vision Proeftuin external-link-icon and the planexternal-link-icon on this page.
The computational model and living lab schedules.
The calculation model and the living lab diagrams belong to the added-value plan. To determine whether an initiative is possible within the Proeftuin Elsendorp zoning plan, the flowchart is run through. This can be used to determine whether it is possible to apply for a permit for the initiative based on the zoning plan. If the answer to the question of whether a permit can be applied for is yes, then the included conditions must be met.
With the calculation model, the financial and social added value of the initiative is calculated, this clarifies the counter presentation for an initiative.