Volunteer Insurance
The municipality of Gemert-Bakel has taken out insurance for all its volunteers, social interns and volunteer caregivers. For the activities you perform as a volunteer, social trainee and informal caregiver you are automatically insured through us at Centraal Beheer.
What coverages
The coverages we have co-insured on our volunteer insurance are:
- Traffic liability for Legal entities
- Liability Insurance for Volunteers
- Liability Insurance for Legal Persons
- Director's Liability Insurance for Volunteers
- Accident Insurance for Volunteers
- Personal property insurance for Volunteers
Volunteer insurance has secondary (secondary) coverage. This means that other insurance always takes precedence over the municipality's volunteer insurance.
Who are the insureds?
- Volunteers are people who: perform work in any organizational context, unobligated and unpaid, for the benefit of others and/or society and where a social interest is served.
- Not insured: volunteer firefighters and police officers.
Social interns
- Social internships from the secondary school curriculum where a social interest is served.
- Informal care is long-term and intensive care for at least 8 hours per week. The care is not for a helping profession.
- The coverages that apply to the caregiver are: Accident Insurance for Volunteers and Personal Property Insurance for Volunteers.
Organizations can also be sued for events that do not directly result from or relate to volunteer work. These events are not covered by volunteer insurance and therefore it is advisable not to cancel your own insurance policies.
Volunteer insurance is meant to supplement, not replace.
Report your damage
You can report damage using this claim form link icon. Send the claim form as completely as possible to: gemeente@gemert-bakel.nl.
Important text: Please note that damage must first be reported to your own insurer and/or the insurer of the organization for which work was performed and in which damage occurred.