Wvg Area Part-Greenesteeg
The municipality of Gemert-Bakel is set to grow to 35,000 inhabitants. This growth offers opportunities to continue to provide an attractive living environment. Over the next ten years we will build 2,400 homes, for our own residents, for employees and for the region.
The municipality of Gemert-Bakel has designated the area between de Deel and Groenesteeg as a future housing site. The area has a size of approximately 27 hectares and offers space for 600 to 800 new homes. Because of the size and strategic importance of the development, the municipality has chosen to take control.
Municipal Preferential Rights Act
By the end of 2021, the municipality has established a preferential right on eight plots under the Municipalities Preferential Rights Act (Wvg). The municipality is then the first party to whom the plots must be offered when owners proceed to sell. Within three years of the establishment of the preferential right, the municipality must work out the ambitions and future interpretation of the area in a spatial vision.
Environment program Deelse Kampen
For the past year and a half we have been working on this spatial vision. We have done this together with residents, entrepreneurs and other interested parties. In the spatial vision we describe the important frameworks for the development of the area.
How to move forward?
The next step is to acquire the land in the Wvg area and further develop the plans. Consider doing follow-up research and translating the vision into a concrete urban development plan.
Currently, the Wvg area still has an agricultural zoning. This means that eventually the environmental plan (formerly zoning) must also be changed before construction can take place.
5. Environment program 'Residential development Deelse Kampen, Gemert' adopted.
The environmental program/spatial vision was available for review for six weeks in the summer of 2024. Four views were submitted during this period. As a result, we made some minor changes to the environmental program.
On Oct. 17, 2024, the City Council adopted the Environment Program. The adopted version can be found on the digital Environment Desk external icon.
4. Draft environment program 'housing development Deelse Kampen Gemert' available for inspection
As of Jan. 1, 2024, the Environment Act is in effect. Under the Environment Act, the name of the spatial vision has changed to an environmental program. For this reason, we now refer to it as the environment program "Housing development Deelse Kampen, Gemert.
On June 4, 2024, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen approved the draft environmental program and it will be available for public inspection for a period of 6 weeks from June 11, 2024.
Viewing documents
The draft environmental program can be consulted online through the publication in the Municipal Gazette of the municipality of Gemert-Bakel: Municipal Gazette 2024, 239494 | Overheid.nl > Official Announcements (officielebekendmakingen.nl)
The documents are linked to this publication as "View Documents" (see left column). If you are unable to view the plan documents online, you can make an appointment to come see them at City Hall at .
Submit views
Everyone will be given the opportunity to express their views on the draft environmental program within the aforementioned period to the mayor and aldermen of Gemert-Bakel, Postbus 10.000, 5420 DA Gemert.
If you wish to submit your views orally, you can make an appointment via the website.
3. What next? The next steps to decision-making spatial vision
Between November 2023 and March 2024, responses to the draft version will be reviewed and processed. The main structures will also be worked out and the (financial) feasibility of the vision will be tested. The spatial vision will then be prepared for decision-making. The spatial vision is expected to be adopted by the municipal executive in the middle of this year, after which the draft vision will be made available for public inspection for a period of 6 weeks.
As soon as the draft vision is made available for inspection, we will also organize a walk-in moment for all stakeholders and interested parties. During this walk-in moment people will have the opportunity to view the elaboration of the spatial vision and possibly submit an opinion.
After the 6-week public participation period, all responses will be reviewed and processed where possible. A final spatial vision for the WVG area between de Deel and the Groensteeg in Gemert will be developed. No later than the fourth quarter of 2024, the spatial vision will be presented to the municipal council for adoption.
2. Feedback on environmental dialogue on Nov. 21, 2023
Another environmental dialogue was held on Tuesday evening, Nov. 21, 2023, for all stakeholders and interested parties.
During this dialogue, the draft spatial vision for the WVG area between the Deel and Groenesteeg was shared. This mainly concerns the outlines of what the area might look like in the future. It is therefore not a detailed elaboration. The evening began with a central presentation of the draft vision and the building blocks and considerations that form its basis. Various panels were set up in the room showing themes from the vision, such as the possible residential spheres, greenery and landscape and the overall picture of the area. Those present were able to discuss these topics with the experts from the municipality and the urban development agency SAB. Attendees could also leave reactions and ideas.
Subjects such as access to the area, the former "pedjes," possible high-rise buildings and how to deal with agricultural traffic were regularly discussed. The responses collected will be used to sharpen the draft spatial vision. At a later stage, stakeholders and interested parties will be included again.
Did you miss the Environmental Dialogue and are you still curious about the draft spatial vision? Via the document below you can consult the draft spatial vision including the theme panels. Would you like to respond or give your opinion? You can! Mail to gemeente@gemert-bakel.nl with refering to spatial vision WVG-area Deel-Groenesteeg.
1. Start drafting the spatial vision
In the spatial vision to be drawn up, we will describe the ambitions and ideas for the area and how to achieve a pleasant living environment. The vision will address issues such as the intended number of homes and housing types, landscape and nature, accessibility and the possible traffic structure, sustainability aspects and social aspects such as livability, safety and health. Much of this will be worked out in outline form; the concrete translation into detailed plans will only take place in subsequent phases.
Of course, we are not drawing up the spatial vision alone. We do this together with a broad group of (future) residents, owners and other stakeholders and involved parties. To involve all stakeholders and involved parties in this process, several environmental dialogues are organized. We also share information and the latest news on the development of the spatial vision on this webpage.
- The first meeting with local residents and landowners took place on April 18, 2023.
- The first meeting for the general public was held on May 15, 2023.
The presentations given during these environmental dialogues can be found below as an attachment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a spatial vision and how does it differ from a spatial plan?
As a first step, we have now prepared a spatial vision for the Deel-Groenesteeg area. A spatial vision provides a global development direction for a specific area and helps make trade-offs on a large number of aspects such as residential environments, traffic and landscape. The vision identifies opportunities and possibilities and offers space for as yet unknown developments or initiatives. A spatial vision is less detailed than a spatial plan, such as an urban development plan or a zoning plan.
What is the Municipal Preferential Rights Act and why is it relevant here?
The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act (WVG) is a law that obliges owners to first offer a plot (on which preferential rights have been established) to the government (the municipality, the province or the state) when selling it. This gives governments more control over the process for future housing developments, for example. On December 16, 2021, the municipal council established preferential rights to 8 plots of land in the area between the Deel and Groenesteeg. The municipality has since entered into discussions with the relevant owners.
How will residents be involved in the project?
During the preparation of the spatial vision, we organized two dialogue evenings and one walk-in evening. In this way, we gave the residents of the area, entrepreneurs and other interested parties the space to think along about the future interpretation of the Wvg area. In addition, stakeholders were given the opportunity to submit views on the spatial vision.
We will also organize one or more dialogue evenings as part of the further development process. We will communicate the date and location of these meetings via the Gemerts Nieuwsblad, social media and the municipal website.
Is it true that the area is going to have 500 to 800 homes, as reported in the news?
The past year and a half has been spent working on a spatial vision for the Wvg area. The (exploratory) studies continue to show that there is room for 600 to 800 homes within the Wvg area. This is a bandwidth. The exact number of homes depends on the space needed for things like greenery, parking and water storage.
Why is residential development desirable in the Deel-Groenesteeg area? Are there no other locations possible other than this area?
In order to meet the current and future housing demand in the municipality of Gemert-Bakel, the goal is to realize 2,400 new homes over the next 10 years. For a municipality like Gemert-Bakel this is a major challenge. In order to realize this number, larger projects are needed, involving several hundred homes to be built. In the search for possible suitable areas, we looked at the combination of sufficient space for the desired development, the land positions and possibilities for consolidation, and the connection possibilities with the existing built environment. The sum of these makes the area of Deel-Groenesteeg obvious as a future housing development location.