Basic registration of persons (BRP), notification of changes

Instruction text: Are your details not properly registered in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP)? Please report this to us.

Course of business

The municipality keeps your personal data in the BRP. It may happen that incorrect or incomplete personal data are recorded about you. You can see this, for example, in a document from the municipality in which your details are incorrectly listed. You can ask the municipality to correct the error. In order to do so you must be able to prove, by means of documentary evidence, that the information in the BRP is incorrect.


A correction request is free of charge. If the municipality agrees with you that there is incorrect data in the BRP, the data will be corrected. The correction of the data is done within four weeks. You will receive a message about this. Even if the municipality cannot or may not correct your data, you will be notified. If you do not agree with the decision on your request, you can lodge an objection with the municipality.

What to bring

  • Valid ID.

  • Documentary evidence showing the correct information, for example, an official deed.