Full of energy!

Register for Warm Winter Lunch for residents of Orange neighborhood Bakel

Come to the free Warm Winter Lunch on Jan. 25 at the Atrium in the Orange neighborhood

On Saturday, January 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Gemert-Bakel full of energy will start in the Orange neighborhood in Bakel with a Warm Winter Lunch in the atrium, the courtyard garden of Kerksedriessen 8 through 48. During this lunch you can meet the energy fixers, but also get more information about the energy saving measures. While enjoying a cup of coffee or tea and freshly made pea soup, you can also catch up with local residents. In the weeks following lunch, the energy fixers will go out into the Orange neighborhood together with local residents to help residents.

Sign up to stay informed

Do you live in the municipality of Gemert-Bakel and would you like to be informed about when we come to your neighborhood? Through a form you can sign up to be informed about the project ' Gemert-Bakel full of energy!'.

Gemert-Bakel full of energy!

Many people suffer from high energy bills. We therefore help them save gas and electricity by deploying the "energy fixers. The energy fixers install energy-efficient products free of charge and give tips on how to save energy.

The energy-saving measures

The energy fixers perform a variety of jobs. A home visit takes 1 to 1.5 hours. During this time, measures such as:

  • Installing LED lights.
  • Applying draft strips.
  • Installing radiator foil and a radiator fan.
  • Installing a water-saving shower head.
  • Installing on-off sockets and switches.

Starting Jan. 22, you can request a free home visit

You can request a free home visit through this website starting Jan. 22. But you can also sign up with the energy fixers during the Warm Winter Lunch on January 25. This applies to residents of the Oranje neighborhood in Bakel, but also to other residents of Bakel.

Gemert-Bakel full of energy for all villages in our municipality

In October, this project started in Handel. Now Bakel will follow, then this project will also come to the other villages of our municipality. Keep an eye on this website for more information.