'Gemert-Bakel full of Energy' helps households in Orange neighborhood save energy

Jan. 14, 2025

Many people suffer from high energy bills. Neighbors, together with the municipality of Gemert-Bakel, are helping residents save gas and electricity by deploying "energy fixers"! In January and February, the energy fixers install small energy efficient products for free and they give residents of Bakel tips to save energy.

Warm Winter Lunch on Jan. 25

"Gemert-Bakel full of energy!" kicks off on Saturday, January 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with a free Warm Winter Lunch in the atrium, the indoor space of Kerksedriessen 8 through 48 in the Orange neighborhood in Bakel. During this lunch, residents can get to know the energy fixers, as well as get more information about the measures. While enjoying a nice cup of coffee or tea and a delicious pea soup you can also chat with neighbors from the Oranjebuurt (this meeting is for the whole Oranjebuurt). In the following weeks the energy fixers will go into the Orange neighborhood together with local residents to help residents.

Home visit request can be made from Jan. 22, 2025

Residents of the Oranje neighborhood in Bakel can schedule a free appointment with an energy fixer starting Jan. 22. During lunch on January 25, you can also sign yourself up for a home visit. Do you live in Bakel, but not in the Oranjebuurt and would you like to make an appointment for a home visit? That is also possible as of January 22nd via the web page about this project.

The next step is to isolate

Is your house equipped with the energy-saving measures? Then you can also use the municipal subsidy for insulation from "Gemert-Bakel isoleert!". During the Warm Winter lunch you can also get more information about this or visit www.en.gemert-bakel.nl/isoleren.


For more information about this project, please email gemeente@gemert-bakel.nl or call 0492-378500.