Environmental Permit
Are you going to build or remodel a home? Then you may need an environmental permit. You can check this and apply for it through the digital Environment Counter. You do not have to submit an application for all (construction) activities simultaneously via this digital desk, but you can.
Type of environmental permit
The links below provide more information by topic for which you may need an environmental permit and how to apply for one.
Key text: On July 1, 2024, the omgevingsloket onine (OLO) will end. Submitting additions via OLO will then no longer be possible. Are there initiators who want to submit supplements even after July 1, 2024? You can do so by emailing gemeente@gemert-bakel.nl.
Important text: If you want to place construction equipment, container or other object temporarily on public land, please email gemeente@gemert-bakel.nl. The municipality will then see if permission can be given for this.
Highlighted text: Tip! Do you have a complex, multiple application? Then we advise you to request a preliminary consultation with the municipality. The option to request a pre-consultation is included in the link icon.